Illiteracy Poem

Disjointed prose, dripping limited code

like mucus from the nose.

Literacy_OEDIs it a sign of progress?

When text talk becomes the norm

and as repetitive as porn.

Where babies are wired from the day they are born,

and doomed to life of illiteracy.

What say you my friend?

will the beauty of language end, as it first began,

Just a series of signs and occasional grunts,

and all of humanity painting faeces on the walls

In a bid to say…

I Love you.

All rights reserved by the author. Talia Hardy. 17.12.2010.

7 thoughts on “Illiteracy Poem

  1. Some very powerful and pertinent imagery. Seems to suggest evolution is not proceeding as it should. The poem is a bit episodic with great, but disconnected lines, and little flow -although you may be your intention. It is certainly a dynamic – told through a series of very potent lines, such as ‘Disjointed prose dripping potent prose, through the nose . . . but ‘When text becomes the norm and as base as porn’ is a little confusing. I hesitate to say so because it is an impressive line. It seems to suggest text will eventually be nothing but porn, but doesn’t read that way. Text is already the norm – but not porn. Sorry to equivocate but it is such a deep, impressive and complex poem that deserves discussion and analysis.

    • Thank you for your thoughtful comment Ken. I understand why you would say that this line is ‘a little confusing’. By way of return may I quote Sartre. ”When the words form under his pen, the author doubtless sees them but he does not see them as the reader does, since he knows them before writing them down.’ Yes you are correct the disconnected lines are a device to emphasise the implied meaning of the poem.
      Regards Talia.

  2. I would like to suggest, with respect, it is better to clarify rather than confuse the reader with any personal interpretations. You are communicating not merely communing.

  3. I really like this poem, Talia. Code dripping from the nose, coming full circle to signs and grunts. Is WordPress the last vestige of literacy? I’m enjoying the comments, too, and think communing is important. Best — Monica

    • Hello Monica,
      Yes I agree communing is important, it is and always has been a part of our social infra-structure. Technology has changed the way we exchange information and the best way to get the message across about standards of literacy is to become a banner, don’t you think?

      Thank you so much for your informed comment, please visit again and I will try to do the same with you.

      Kind regards Talia.

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